Balance is a practice
Despite all of the summer fun and glorious sunshine, if you’re a parent (or even if you’re not), these warmer months might have you feeling a bit frazzled.
Full moon musings
Many people who come to energy healing want to develop their intuition. They want to expand their inner knowing to intuitively sense when something is in or out of alignment. And they want to build the confidence to know clearly when something feels like a Yes or a No.
Tender hearts club
Lately, I’ve felt very called to embrace the medicine of tenderness and sensitivity.
Grateful for my dis-ease
Would it be heretical to say that my autoimmune diagnosis was one of my greatest teachers?
The indigenous way
The people closest to me know that I’m a voracious learner—constantly reading, listening, observing, and studying—both formally and informally. Inspired by my rich cultural heritage, for the last 25 years or so I’ve been drawn to learning about diverse spiritual traditions of Africa, the Americas, and Asia.
The opening
Each moment is a portal. A portal connecting you to potential possibilities beyond imagination.
The crucible
Have you been going through it, too? Remember that periods of great intensity can also be opportunities to alchemize stagnant, disruptive, or chaotic energies.
The unexpected
They say the biggest root cause of stress is when your expectations are not met.
Releasing judgement
I used to pride myself on having a high amount of judgement—I thought it meant that I was very informed and that I held myself to a higher standard than others.