Balance is a practice

Despite all of the summer fun and glorious sunshine, if you’re a parent (or even if you’re not), these warmer months might have you feeling a bit frazzled.

You may be out of your routine, perhaps traveling, navigating more than expected of the unexpected, and having less time for stillness. During this season, it can be helpful to remember that balance is a practice—it’s not a fixed state.

Summertime is very out-and-about so you’re going to interact with forces that energetically push and pull in you in various directions. This isn’t necessarily a “bad” thing and, actually, it may be essential to your soul’s growth.

Remember that each push out of balance is an opportunity to practice evening your keel. Every energetic pull away from your center is a chance to strengthen your auric core.

Try to find those moments of quietude to connect to your heart and listen.

The more you tune in to a frequency of equilibrium, the easier it will be to return to balance.


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