The crucible
Have you been going through it, too?
Remember that periods of great intensity can also be opportunities to alchemize stagnant, disruptive, or chaotic energies. We’re all currently being presented with a fortuitous moment—reflected in the pathetic fallacy of these sauna-like dog days—to reflect, process, heal, and grow.
Though it may feel intense, remember that transformation is rarely a smooth ride. You can use this time to reflect on:
Where am I playing small? Why am I triggered by that person? Where am I out of alignment? How can I bring myself back to a place of equilibrium and empowerment?
Remember that the answers are already within you.
Tap into your inner well of patience. Pay attention to those divine messages that are continually trying to reach you. Take action on what’s aligned with your heart.
And then wait and see what magic arises.