There is something so gratifying about seeing a circle within a circle.
When the moon passes in front of the sun, forming a perfect union in the sky, these celestial bodies remind us of the magic that happens when we unite our light and our shadow.
Many of us healers and seekers only want to focus on our light—our gifts, our love, and our happiness. And we shy away from our shadow—those wounded aspects of the self that we dislike or wish to deny—including our anger, our pain, and our trauma.
It can be so uncomfortable to face our “dark side.” But when we suppress our shadow aspects, we lose out on the valuable lessons that they have to teach us. Our wounds can show us the profound power of compassion and provide us with a broader perspective to navigate through the world with greater understanding and sensitivity.
I then remember that I need not be ashamed of my trauma, rather, I acknowledge that it gives me immense compassion for those who suffer. Our shadow can be the wisest of teachers.
When our light and our shadow become friends, we remember our wholeness, which is healing. We receive our humanity. Embracing the totality of our whole selves can be the most powerful of medicines.
Maybe this is part of the exhilaration of witnessing the moon cast a shadow upon the earth—bringing an enchanting moment of twilight into the daytime, with a reminder that you, too, can embody both light and shadow.
Because in this moment you are whole.
In this moment you are well.