Grateful for my dis-ease

Would it be heretical to say that my autoimmune diagnosis was one of my greatest teachers?

Around this time, nine years ago, I was in so much joint pain that I could barely walk. I couldn’t pick up my newborn baby. I was prescribed a walker and chemotherapy drugs.

But after much heartache and suffering, slowly but surely—through the grace and loving nurturance of my family, friends, many healers, and divine consciousness—I began a process of restoration to return to the innate balance held within.

Through this spiral-like healing journey, I continue to develop a level compassion far beyond what I was capable of before the initial onset of my rheumatoid arthritis dis-ease. And I’ve since been blessed to experience healing beyond my wildest imagination.

The greater the wound, the greater the healing.

I now consider it a gift and a privilege to have the capacity to lovingly hold space for those who may be navigating suffering.

My goal is not to give you a band-aid of love and light.

Rather, it’s to help you—through the akashic records, reiki, and sound healing—to return to a deeper state of equilibrium where you can then hold space for your own glorious humanity without judgement. These are lights on the path of healing.


Solstice love


The indigenous way