Your wake-up call

When I tuned into the energetic theme for February, Awakening is the word that came through.

At first, I thought, “that’s pretty basic.”

But now I see how truly relevant awakening is particularly right now, in this historical moment.

In a world that profits from keeping you feeling disempowered and distressed . . . are you frustrated enough to wake up?

Within a system that tells you to keep your head down and play it safe . . . are you willing to listen to your own courageous heart?

Maybe not everyone is ready to wake up to their own power. Maybe it feels a bit scary to acknowledge your own sovereignty.

If that’s where you are, you will not receive any judgement from me.

But if you’re ready to wake up to the pure potential within you, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do something drastic.

You can start by going just a little bit outside of your comfort zone, dipping your toe into new waters.

It takes a lot of courage to answer that wake-up call.

Are you ready for it?

The choice is yours.


Harmony in the discord


The journey