Being a vessel

Walking around this city, I feel both uniquely myself and also universally one with everyone and everything around me. From a baby crying on the subway, to the lovers oblivious to anyone else around, to the hungry yet adaptable squirrel, to the trees growing out of the sidewalks. I am all of them and they, too, are me.

I feel the same when facilitating a healing session with an individual or a group. We’re all one and the three-dimensional separation we experience as humans is simply a way to help us organize and process all that we’re meant to learn and receive. And while I may be leading a healing session, I, in that moment, am not actually “doing” anything aside from being an active and present conduit.

The Reiki healing doesn’t come from me, it comes through me.

The messages from the Akashic Records don’t come from me, they come through me.

The activations through song and sound aren’t mine, they’re gifts that flow through me.

And when I move throughout my day from a place of authenticity, I deeply feel the energy of unconditional love flowing through me.

What is it that’s wanting to come through you?


Reading your soul


Clearing space