Reading your soul
I’ve always been fascinated by symbols, patterns, and interpretation. I remember as a kid buying a book about how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics. It was too complicated for me, but I did eventually learn how to read, write, and speak Mandarin Chinese, which contains a deep and delightful wealth of beauty and wisdom in its linguistic patterning and symbology.
But really, in addition to language, there’s actually a multitude of patterns and divine intelligence all around us, waiting to be read.
We’re constantly creating vibrational patterns—day-in and day-out. Every thought you have, every emotion you feel, and every word that you speak creates a vibration that is recorded in the history of your soul. These are the Akashic Records.
When you connect to the Akashic Records, you’re able to tune into the infinite wisdom of your soul’s history throughout lifetimes. And while that idea may seem overwhelming, when you enter your records, the information that you receive will be whatever it is that you need to hear in that moment.
Every Akashic Records reading I do is a sacred convocation between me and my spirit team and you and your spirit team. And together we interpret the vibrational symbols and patterns of your soul’s journey to uncover the knowledge that can help you return to your true authentic path.
Curious to know more? Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions.