A mindful march

Over the month of March, I trained the entire staff of an NYC public elementary school on mindfulness—it’s benefits, impact on the brain and body, and ways to incorporate simple—yet massively impactful—practices into your day. My intention was to sow and nurture the seeds of mindfulness throughout the school community.

And what is mindfulness really? There are infinite definitions, but to me it’s simply the ability to be present. This practice is very ancient and is powerfully healing.

But, for various reasons, it’s become more and more challenging for us as humans to be in a state of intentional presence, free from the burdens of judgement and external expectations.

However, when we’re able to turn off the noise and pay attention to the wisdom already held within, we can come to a greater state of ease, deep calm, and peace. We build our resilience and open ourselves up to joy and harmony.

And the more you practice the art being present, the easier it is to return to a state of mindfulness, which ultimately leads to energetic wellness.


What is Reiki?

