You’re not falling behind

This is a time when nature, post-Winter Solstice, remains in a potent portal of dormancy and wintry slumber.

While the days slowly begin to lighten, the still darker days bid you to go inward and to simply be present. Perhaps asking you to witness the wisdom within yourself.

And inviting you to notice all of your growth and accomplishments since the last Winter Solstice. There is great medicine in noticing.

And yet, this is also a time of year when the frenetic pace of modern day life can make it seem like everyone else is racing forward, while you feel like you’re wading through molasses.

You are not alone.

You are nature, so there’s an innate tendency to want to nestle inside the coziness of your cave at this time.

And yet—you’re told that now is the time to GO, GO, GO.

This is in conflict with nature, and so you feel the resistance, which can lead to various forms of self-disappointment and even emotional self-flagellation.

But it doesn’t have to be like this.

You can zoom out and see that you’re simply in tune with nature. And you may notice that this tension between the outer world and your natural unfolding is a manufactured conflict. It isn’t really real.

But it probably isn’t practical for you to go into full-on hibernation mode until spring. So how do you navigate this time?

You can use the magical portal of winter to reflect on your journey and allow the seeds of your dreams to germinate.

I’m sharing some journal prompts below to help you process your great unfolding. You may want to brew a cup of something herbal, light a candle, and snuggle under a warm blanket before tuning in to the energetic wellspring within.

(If you’re not into journaling, I really encourage you to give it a try. It can truly be life-changing at any stage in life.)

Journal prompts:

  • How does my heart feel in this moment?

  • What have I accomplished (or how have I grown) since the last Winter Solstice?

  • What would I like to achieve (or how would I like to grow) by the next Winter Solstice?

  • What is one regular (daily or weekly) habit I can adopt to support one of these goals?

  • How can I nurture my body during this season?

I hope this reflection helps to bring you some clarity.


An epic voyage


Canvas Rebel - Daily Inspiration: Meet Jo-Anne Suriel