You’re not falling behind
This is a time when nature, post-Winter Solstice, remains in a potent portal of dormancy and wintry slumber.
While the days slowly begin to lighten, the still darker days bid you to go inward and to simply be present. Perhaps asking you to witness the wisdom within yourself.
Solstice light
During this time of year, there can be some energetic discomfort as the days continue to get longer and longer.
June energetic theme: Personal power
While tuning into the collective energy for June, the theme that’s been coming up is personal power.
Pure potential
This week we arrive at the Winter Solstice, the day when our Northern Hemisphere tilts as far away as possible from the sun. Also called Midwinter, this is the shortest day and the longest night of the year for those of us in the north.
The chrysalis
Now that we’ve crossed the threshold of Summer Solstice, marking the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, our days will slowly begin to yield to night earlier and earlier until we reach the Winter Solstice in December.
Solstice Blessings
Happy Winter Solstice! The longest evening of the year is a wonderful time to reflect on all the growth you’ve undergone throughout this circle around the sun.