Healing the mother wound
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that some of the most powerful healers I know have had very complicated maternal relationships.
This defining and delicate bond is one that often provides a wealth of opportunities for healing. And the lessons are great when we have much to overcome.
Healing these parental wounds is a potent gift to our lineage—both ancestral and progenic. And fortunately, there are many ways to soothe these persistent emotional injuries. Nurturing yourself and your inner child is medicine.
Taking time to care for yourself heals the mother wound.
Taking a mental health day off heals the mother wound.
Watching a kid’s movie heals the mother would.
Freewriting heals the mother wound.
Making art heals the mother wound.
Dancing heals the mother wound.
Play heals the mother wound.
Rest heals the mother wound.
Self-forgiveness heals the mother wound.
Practicing mindfulness heals the mother wound.
I hope you take the time to tune in to what restores your spirit. And know that whatever approach you take to heal the mother wound is the right balm for you.