Divine timing

Have you ever received a message at the exact right time? Maybe you got a text from a friend just as you were thinking about them? Or heard a line in a song that spoke to your soul just when you needed to hear it?

The longer I’ve been devoted to a spiritual path, the more I see that these mini-synchronicities are rarely, if ever, coincidence.

And on a macro-level, when you’re able to step back and see the arch of a particular storyline over space and time, you may begin to see the divine timing of just about every single experience in every single day.

As an example, over twenty years ago, I applied to two different graduate programs to study cultural anthropology and performance. My top choice was at a university in southern California, which I thought was the absolute perfect school for me—a chance to learn from renowned faculty and a new adventure to live on the West Coast.

I was devastated when I received my rejection letter and felt completely unmoored as the path I’d been envisioning for myself suddenly began to fade away.

So, I enrolled in the other program I had applied to in NYC. That year, in the city, I met and fell in love with the man who is now my husband. And together we manifested my greatest spiritual teacher so far, our beloved daughter.

The journey has been and continues to be above and beyond what I could have imagined in my little Brooklyn apartment over two decades ago. What I thought was a catastrophic failure, turned out to be the deepening of a process of profound growth and learning.

When you turn off the noise, tune in, and reflect on the sacred reality of your own lived experiences, you can begin to notice these synchronicities—past, present, and future.

And the more you notice, the more you begin to trust in the divine timing of everything, giving you the numinous gifts of surrender, acceptance, ease, hope, and joy.

Where have you witnessed divine timing—large or small—in your own life lately?


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The Akash