The denominator effect

In the world of finance, the denominator effect is something that happens when a portion of your overall portfolio decreases dramatically in value, which causes the rest of your holdings to increase as a greater percentage of your total portfolio. Essentially, something that was meant to occupy a certain amount of space could suddenly appear to take up a much larger share of the whole.

What I’ve observed is that, in the portfolio of human emotions, the love denominator has ebbed to a point where other emotions, such as fear, anger, and sadness have taken up an inflated share of our collective consciousness. And looking at almost any form of media feels like an invitation to despair.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

When you tap into practices that allow you come to still point—like yoga, breathwork, reiki, and meditation—you create space for greater acceptance, kindness, and love—for yourself and others. By being in the present moment, you can more easily connect to a vibration of love. And allowing more love into your energetic field reverses the denominator effect that favors fear (and its friends).

It’s time to invite more love in and, like nature, return to a state of equilibrium.

After all, who wouldn’t want a more balanced portfolio?


Being bioluminescent


A sanctuary of sound