Springtime magic

When I was a kid, I remember being told that I was “too sensitive” on many occasions.

Looking back, I now have the luxury to think about what that phrase—too sensitive—actually conveys. I think it means that I was profoundly in touch with my emotions. I noticed if someone was being treated unkindly and felt great distress if something felt like it wasn’t fair. And I deeply loved creating art and immersing myself in books—connecting to the emotional journeys of the characters in each story.

But, like many kids, I learned that expressing my emotions wasn’t acceptable to grown-ups and that it was definitely not ok to cry.

I know that the adults around me were simply doing what they thought was best. Maybe they wanted to “cure” my sensitivity so that I would become acceptable to other people… They didn’t know that suppressing my emotions meant that I was also suppressing my internal fire—and my magic. And this suppression continued for decades.

I know I’m not the only one.

The beauty of springtime teaches us that we are meant to be fully expressed. As we embrace the longer days, we also enjoy the warmth of the sun on our skin as we emerge from our wrappings. And we witness the greens and blooms emerging from the earth.

We are nature and every colorful creation bursting out of the fertile ground is an affirmation that we, too, are meant to live in full color.

This time of year, called Beltane by the Celtic people, is the heart of spring and the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice. Beltane is an opportune time to let the colors of your emotions reemerge. Mother Earth’s vibrant displays affirm that it is safe and healthy to express your emotions.

Welcome the full spectrum of your sensitive being into the light and witness what magic is made manifest in the garden of your life.


Have you seen my keys?


BOLD JOURNEY - meet Jo-Anne Suriel