Grief is only love
“Grief is only love that’s got no place to go.”
I recently met singer-songwriter Stephen Wilson Jr. at his concert on the Lower East Side. We talked about sound healing and I explained how different instruments create unique vibrations that reach distinct areas of the body—physically and energetically.
I reflected on the powerful medicine of the human voice, which creates notes that no instrument can replicate.
And I’ve since been haunted by his gorgeous song, Grief is Only Love, which feels like an anthem for this particular moment.
We’ve all experienced—or witnessed the experience of—grief in some form, whether it be the loss of a loved one, a lifestyle, a livelihood, a relationship, or an idea. While the experience of grief looks and feels unique to each person, the depth of our loss can often feel all-consuming. In this waning time of year, as we approach the Winter Solstice, the atmosphere can create enough stillness for our disquiet to (re)emerge.
If you’re experiencing grief in this season, I encourage you to be gentle with yourself.
Slow down.
Embrace your full spectrum of emotions without judgement.
Have the courage to scream and/or be silent. And know that if you’re reading this, you are loved.
P.S. Please check out this wonderful resource on grief here.