Restoring balance
Happy 13th day of March! I’ve been seeing the number 13 a lot today, which is a number associated with the divine feminine. One of the most profound keys to healing is to simply re-connect to the divine feminine within. This is present in everyone—no matter what gender you identify with.
The divine feminine is flow—intuition, emotions, nurturing, receptivity, the intangible, and the mystery.
The divine masculine is form—structure, intellect, security, action, loyalty, and integrity.
While we all contain both of these divinely held aspects within, modern day society has driven us significantly more toward the masculine—both in its divine and wounded manifestations.
The wounded masculine is abusive, anxious, and avoidant. We can see this reflected in a world that is out of balance.
But when we embrace the divine feminine, we reclaim harmony—both within and without. When we honor our feelings, make time for silence, and nurture our bodies, we uplift the divine feminine. The number 13 reminds us to honor the mystery, to gather in community, and to trust our intuitive abilities.
And yet we’ve been taught to fear the number 13…
Today I invite you to step into the healing waters of the feminine in a way that resonates with you. This month is an opportune time call in equanimity as we welcome the Spring Equinox and experience a full moon in the balancing sign of Libra.
You can always seek out support from the many healers who are here to guide you back into equilibrium and ease—through practices like reiki, breathwork, yoga, bodywork, divinatory practices, and more.