Letting go
We are nature. And the autumn season reminds us that we, too, need to periodically shed things that we’ve outgrown. Be it a job, a living space, a habit, or a relationship…
As we forge into the season of turning inward, this is an optimal time to reflect on what you’re now ready to let go of. Even if you’ve dedicated time, energy, and resources to a certain thing—it’s important to notice when that thing is no longer in alignment.
Before becoming an energy healer, I worked in the financial services industry for 12 years. However, for about half of those years (or more), I knew deep down that I was not in the right livelihood for me. But I had worked so very hard to prove myself worthy in a highly competitive, male-dominated industry. I’d invested time and money in an Ivy league MBA. I had sacrificed precious time with my family and creative pursuits and instead prioritized a profession that looked highly impressive on paper while feeling devoid of joy.
It was in the fall season when I finally let go of this misaligned career. For some time, I felt disoriented like a falling leaf, not knowing where I would land professionally. But by the following spring, it became clear that it was time to fully embrace a path of healing.
This line of work is not for the faint of heart and, at times, it’s been a roller-coaster of growth through challenge. But I’ve discovered a profound wealth of fulfillment beyond imagination.
And I’m deeply grateful that I finally listened to my heart and let go.